Superluminal ftl ghosts
Superluminal ftl ghosts

So the reaction of most physicists to the CERN faster-than-light fiasco is: “wow… they really messed something up”. Unlike the sound barrier or the 4-minute mile, which were thought to be impossible merely because they were very difficult, the speed of light is inexorably tied up in the nature of existence, and matter, and time, and all that falderal. Every single time anyone has ever made the claim that they have evidence that there’s something wrong with relativity, they’ve turned out to be wrong. Often you can hear physicists laughing (cackling) at other physicists and saying things like “… and their scalar field wasn’t even Lorentz invariant!” (translation: “their thing violates relativity”). It is so well tested, and so well verified, that it has become the yardstick against which other physical theories are measured. You might wonder why they bothered looking into it, but whatever.Īt the other end of the spectrum is relativity, which is really what’s at stake. If you were to hear “scientists find that mustachioed men tend to ride unicycles more often than their clean-shaven brethren” you wouldn’t think twice about it (well, maybe twice), because there isn’t a towering monolith of evidence to the contrary. Human nature: If you tell someone they can’t travel faster than light, then suddenly that’s all they’ve ever wanted to do.īut mostly this is news because special relativity (which immediately implies the light speed cap) has been verified thousands and thousands of times in the last hundred and six years. There are a lot of ways for a 60 nanosecond or 60 foot (light speed is about 1 foot per nanosecond) error to creep into an experiment involving a beam of “ghost particles” traveling 730km, from CERN to Gran Sasso, that produces no more than one or two data points at a time. You generate a fantastic number in beam-form somewhere, fire it many times through the Earth at a detector far away and, with luck, you’ll detect one. When you’re talking about neutrinos you’re usually talking about just a couple of data points.

superluminal ftl ghosts

In this case it’s very likely to be an error. Faster than light claims have always (so far…) turned out to be a hoax, or a misunderstanding, or an error. These sorts of things crop up every few months, with varying credibility, but the credibility of this group is higher than most. Physicist: The story here is that CERN has been generating neutrinos, firing them 730km, to a detector in Gran Sasso, Italy, and those neutrinos have been consistently (so far as their instruments say) arriving 60 ns (0.00000006 seconds) earlier than they should.

Superluminal ftl ghosts